Congratulations! I’d imagine, while pregnant, most mothers to be tend to fixate on the health of their babies. Its important to remember your own health too. Unfortunately, the changes in your hormone…
Tax Relief On Dental Treatment
A lot of people are unaware that you are entitled to tax relief of 20% on advanced dental treatments that have been carried out in the last four years. The relief can…
Water Fluoridation
In common with every other recognised national dental association across the world, the Irish Dental Association strongly supports the policy of fluoridation in Ireland as an essential element of oral health policy.…
Teeth Whitening
At Swords Dental, we use a tray system for all our tooth whitening cases. This involves taking impressions of the teeth at an initial appointment and demonstrating the whitening…
Wisdom Tooth Extractions
Wisdom tooth problems are extremely common. Wisdom teeth grow at the back of your gums and are the last teeth to come through. Most people have four wisdom teeth – one…
Drilling out the fear factor
This is an article from the Irish Times by a patient of ours about dental anxiety About 10 per cent of people worldwide are phobic about dentistry. Liz Kelleherfinds…