Dental Cleaning

Dental Cleaning for PRSI Patients Patients who are covered by PRSI ( including the self-employed) are now entitled to a free check up and subsidised dental cleaning at a cost of 15…


TOOTHBRUSHING This is a very easy thing to do yet we are all busy rushing around that we tend to miss the same surfaces all the time. Top tip! SLOW DOWN It…

Which toothpaste should you use?

Which toothpaste should you use? The basic answer is that most of the popular toothpastes are very similar. Fluoride is the key ingredient, which strengthens the enamel and helps remineralise areas damaged…


Which toothpaste should you use? The basic answer is that most of the popular toothpastes are very similar. Fluoride is the key ingredient, which strengthens the enamel and helps remineralise areas damaged…

Choosing Toothpaste for Children

Choosing toothpaste for your child For a child under two we recommend a small infant toothbrush with just tap water. Mains water is fluoridated in Ireland and this provides enough fluoride until…


TOOTHBRUSHING This is a very easy thing to do yet we are all busy rushing around that we tend to miss the same surfaces all the time. Top tip! SLOW DOWN It…

Which toothpaste to use?

Which toothpaste should you use? The basic answer is that most of the popular toothpastes are very similar. Fluoride is the key ingredient, which strengthens the enamel and helps remineralise areas damaged…