How can I make sure that my mouth stays healthy?
Visit a dentist regularly even if you wear dentures. This is especially important if you smoke and drink alcohol. We will check your mouth for any areas of concern at each check up.
When brushing your teeth, look out for any changes in your mouth or neck. Early warning signs include ulcers that do not heal within three weeks, red or white patches in the mouth, or other unusual changes in the mouth or neck. If you have any areas that are swollen or ulcerated it is very important to attend a dentist and have them checked out.
When exposed to the sun, make sure to use the correct type of barrier cream on your lips.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. A good diet, rich in vitamins A, C and E, helps the body to protect itself from most cancers.
Avoid the risk factors for mouth cancer. These include:
Smoking tobacco – cigarettes, roll-ups, cigars, pipes or cannabis.
Excessive alcohol consumption.
Using tobacco and alcohol together – this greatly increases your risk.
Excessive exposure to sunlight or radiation (for lip cancer).
Chewing tobacco, betelguid, gutkha and paan.
A diet lacking in fruit and vegetables.
Viral infections, e.g., human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV can be spread through oral sex.